Wednesday, May 11, 2011

History of the West Yellowstone Branch of the Oregon Shortline

I have been thinking lately about redoing the first level of my layout and creating a second level and in that thinking I have writen a breif Fictional history of my railroad. It will probably change over time but here it is.

Fictional History of the West Yellowstone Branch of the Oregon Shortline. (Union Pacific) 1970-1994

West Yellowstone Lumber was started in 1970

Railroad called West Yellowstone Lumber Railway.

Purchased 2 gp9 from Union Pacific.

Purchased track from Union Pacific from Ashton to West Yellowstone Spring 1971.

Union Pacific maintained trackage rights to West Yellowstone.

Fall 1974 started negotiations with Union Pacific to Build a Passenger station in Idaho Falls north of Hemmet ave.

Spring 1975 Broke ground on Depot south of Hemmet ave.

Summer 1975 Purchased 2 E9A used from Union Pacific.

Summer 1975 Purchased 3 coach cars used from union pacific.

Spring 1976 West Yellowstone Lumber Railway becomes West Yellowstone Scenic Railway.

1980 Small depot built in Island Park.

Dec 1981 West Yellowstone Station burs to the ground do to old wiring.

1982 Temporary Depot used in West Yellowstone

1982 depot built in Rexburg.

1984 depot built in Ashton.

1984 purchased 3 dome cars from Autotrain breakup, repainted in Full Union Pacific Paint.

1986 Station Completed in West Yellowstone complete loading ramp for vehicles.

1986 Depot built in Rigby with loading dock for loading vehicles on to flat cars.

1986 purchased 3 flat cars to be used in service in conjunction with passenger train to haul vehicles and atvs from new station in Rigby to West Yellowstone.

1987 loading ramp added in Island Park for vehicles and Atv due to popular demand.

1990 Passenger division and stations of the West Yellowstone Scenic Railway Sold to Local Investor Lee Calkins for an undisclosed amount. New owner negotiated a lease and trackage rights with Union Pacific and West Yellowstone Lumber Co. for 99 years.

1990 West Yellowstone Lumber Railway is once again created and owned by West Yellowstone Lumber Co.

Union Pacific sold Ashton Branch, East and West Belts to EIRR on November 21, 1993

Spring 1994 West Yellowstone Lumber Railway began lease of 2 gp30 from National Railway Equipment Company (NREX)

Current era summer 1994

Operations today

Union Pacific brings in trains to Idaho Falls.

EIRR switches Ashton branch, East and West Belts. Mon-Friday.

EIRR transfer cars to West Yellowstone, Mon and Thursday.

Passenger train Leaves Idaho Falls Station at 8:00 am daily Memorial Day Weekend through Labor Day Weekend.
Rigby 8:20-8:40
Rexburg 9:10-9:20
Ashton 10:20-10:30
Island Park 11:20-11:40
West Yellowstone 12:30
Return Trip Departs at 2:00pm with a similar schedule.

WYSRR Leases space from EIRR to store passenger train over night in Idaho Falls Yard.

WYSRR Geeps only leave West Yellowstone with Maintenance Of Way train in spring and fall, to prepare the line for summer and winter. Line is Inactive from the first snow till it melts in the spring. Rotary snow plow and locomotives are leased from Union Pacific for the Last week of April every year to reopen line.

End History

Let me know what you think. I am still working on revamped track plan.

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